
Ian, Viv, David, Matthew and Christopher Halliday

We lived in the Hutt Valley, just north of Wellington, New Zealand until the middle of 2005, when we moved back to England, where we are now in Bromborough, between Liverpool and Chester. These days, we struggle to produce one newsletter a year. However, here for the first time are our newsletters, dating back to 1991, when we lived in Port Vila, Vanuatu. These newsletters are all in Adobe Acrobat format. Yes, we are fully aware that there are some typographical errors in some of the documents.

× The missing pages and photos from the 1991 newsletter have been kindly provided to us by Angela and the document can now be viewed in all its former glory.

Bromborough, Wirral, England

Stokes Valley, Wellington, New Zealand

Mahora, Hastings, New Zealand

Port Vila, Vanuatu

Google Maps is Google's global mapping system.

The exact location of our house can be displayed on Google Maps by following this link.